Gosport Climate Change Partnership
Cutting emissions across the whole of Gosport is a massive challenge and needs everyone in the Borough to work together. To help drive and coordinate our collective local response to this challenge, the Council has established an independent Climate Change Partnership.
The Partnership aims to bring together the views, expertise and commitment of a wide range of stakeholders across the Borough, to:
- exchange ideas and best practices to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change across organisations and within the community;
- inspire climate action across the Borough and with its local authority neighbours;
- offer a "sounding board" to the Council and to other organisations across the Borough with respect to their efforts to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to climate change.
Membership is open to any organisation operating in Gosport, including businesses, sole traders, public bodies, voluntary and community groups. Please get in touch if your organisation would like to join with others and help drive forward a more sustainable future.
Benefits include:
- Receive updates about news, events and activities that the Partnership is organising.
- Advertise your events and activities to a wider audience.
- Share learning and celebrate successes.
- Increase networking opportunities with other like minded organisations.
- Play a stronger role in shaping the future of a more sustainable, resilient and fairer Gosport.
Working groups
The Partnership has established several working groups to deliver its objectives. If you're interested in any of these topics and would like to join a working group, they would welcome your support so please get in touch.
Steering Group meeting minutes
The Partnership's activities are coordinated by a Steering Group. Its members come from a diverse range of organisations, including schools and colleges, businesses, the military, housing associations, environmental organisations, and the Council.
Minutes of the Steering Group meetings can be downloaded using the links below.
- 18th January 2023 (draft) (PDF, 568 KB)(opens new window)
- 21st September 2022 (PDF, 578 KB)(opens new window)
- 27th April 2022 (PDF, 566 KB)(opens new window)
- 9th February 2022 (PDF, 560 KB)(opens new window)
- 1st December 2021 (PDF, 571 KB)(opens new window)
- 30th September 2021 (PDF, 333 KB)(opens new window)
- 8th July 2021 (PDF, 286 KB)(opens new window)