Budgeting, Debts & Scams

Worried about budgeting for your needs, managing debts and avoiding scams? Find handy tips and tools and local support to reduce your worries and feel more in control of your money.
Money Advice Matters
This service from Citizens Advice Gosport, funded by Gosport Borough Council, provides specialised money advice for people with debt that could affect their housing options and ability to remain in their homes. They help identify the root causes of clients' problems, assist with immediate solutions and provide options to help prevent the situation happening again. They aim to help people to manage their finances more effectively and take control before they reach crisis point. Call or email to make an appointment.
02392 520112
Free Budget Tool
The first vital step in taking control of your finances is to create your own personal budget plan. Our user friendly budget planner is free to use and should only take minutes to complete if you have all your financial information to hand. A list of what you will need to get started is found on the site and you can save your information and start where you left off if you find you don't have all of the information you need.
Help for Households- Social Tariffs
The government has worked with a range of Internet Service Providers and Mobile Network Operators to deliver low-cost broadband and phone service packages, called social tariffs, for those on low incomes. Social tariffs are available for people claiming Universal Credit, Pension Credit and some other benefits, with some providers offering deals from £15 a month. Some providers call them essential or basic packages. They are delivered the same way as other packages, but cost less.
If you or someone in your household claims Universal Credit, you could switch to any of the tariffs available. Some providers also include people on other benefits such as Pension Credit, Employment and Support Allowance, Jobseekers' Allowance, and Income Support. The person receiving the benefit will need to be the main person on the contract.
First, check if your current provider offers a social tariff. The website lists all of the tariffs available now. You can apply for most tariffs online, or call your provider and ask to switch. If your provider doesn't offer a social tariff, you can switch to one that does. Your provider might let you leave your current contract without paying a penalty fee.
Breathing Space Scheme
A mental health crisis breathing space will help stop you being chased or charged fees and interest on your debts for as long as you are receiving crisis mental health treatment, and for 30 days after your treatment ends. The aim is to create time and space for you to get the treatment you need without having to worry about your debts growing or your creditors contacting you during your treatment.
The Government set up this scheme to provide protection for people who are in problem debt. Visit their website for more information. You can refer yourself, or someone else, for a mental health crisis breathing space by completing a referral form.
Scam Check Tool
If you've seen something online or in an email or text that you suspect could be a scam, you can use the Citizens Advice online tool to check. The tool will ask you questions and use your answers to give you advice on how to check whether something is a scam and what to do if you have been scammed. You can also call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline if you think you may have found a scam, need advice about scams or want to report a scam. The helpline is free and open Monday-Friday 8am to 6pm except on public holidays.
0808 223 1133
Cyber Bobby Scheme
The Blue Lamp Trust Cyber Bobby Scheme provides free home visits to the over 65s, disabled, and any previous victims of cyber-crime giving advice and guidance about basic IT security and how to avoid cyber crime. All of the Blue Lamp Trust advisers are police vetted and carry ID cards to reassure local residents that they are genuine - they will not be offended if you ask to see their ID to validate their identity.
0300 7770157
Step Change Debt Charity
Free, impartial budgeting and debt advice and tools online and over the phone Monday-Friday 8am -8pm and Saturday 8am-4pm.
Debt Advice Helpline
0800 1381111
National Debtline
Free, independent advice on dealing with debt problems online and over the phone Monday-Friday 9am-8pm and Saturday 9:30am-1pm.
0808 8084000