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Report a change in circumstances

Visit Citizen Access - Benefits to complete an change of circumstances form and upload evidence.

Where any additional information is required, we will contact you by telephone, text, email or letter.

Have questions? Get in touch at


These are some common changes that need to be reported:-


Your HB claim will need to be updated if your circumstances change. Any changes must be reported within 1 month. Here are some examples of changes that should be reported:-

  • you (or your partner) start or leave a job
  • any of your children leave school or leave home
  • anyone moves into or out of your home (including non-dependents, lodgers and sub-tenants)
  • if your income, or the income of anyone living with you, goes up or down for any reason
  • if anyone starts to receive Carer's Allowance for you (or your partner)
  • your capital, savings or investments change
  • you or anyone living with you becomes a student, goes into hospital/nursing home or goes into prison.
  • your rent or your landlord changes
  • you move address
  • you (or your partner) are going to be away from home for more than a month
  • you receive any decision from the Home Office
  • your contact details change


CTS is assessed using Income Bands, which means we don't need to know about ALL changes. Changes must be reported within 21 days. Here are some examples of changes that should be reported:-

  • you (or your partner) start or leave a job
  • any of your children leave school or leave home
  • if there is a change to your household such as a partner moving in or out or a new baby being born. You don't need to tell us if other adults move in/out
  • if your (or your partner's) income goes up or down for any reason*
  • if you (or your partner) start to get, or stop getting, a disability benefit or Carer's Allowance
  • your (and any partner's) savings/capital goes over £10,000
  • you move address
  • you (or your partner) are going to be temporarily absent from your property for more than 4 weeks
  • you receive any decision from the Home Office
  • your contact details changes

*You only need to report changes to your household income that will result in a different income band taking effect. See the income bands below for guidance as to whether yours will change



Income Bands


Single Person

Single with
1 Child

Single with
2+  Children


Couple with
1 Child

Couple with
2+ Children

Amount we will reduce
your Council Tax by:

Income Support, Income-Related Job Seekers Allowance or Income-Related Employment Support Allowance

70% (band 1)

£0 to £100

£0 to £160

£0 to £220

£0 to £140

£0 to £205

£0 to £260

70% (band 2)

£100.01 to £180

£160.01 to £240

£220.01 to £295

£140.01 to £240

£205.01 to £281

£260.01 to £340

55% (band 3)

£180.01 to £215

£240.01 to £255

£295.01 to £350

£240.01 to £290

£281.01 to £320

£340.01 to £400

40% (band 4)

£215.01 to £255

£255.01 to £280

£350.01 to £450

£290.01 to £340

£320.01 to £370

£400.01 to £430

25% (band 5)

More than £255

More than £280

More than £450

More than £340

More than £370

More than £430

 0% (band 6)


  • Carers Allowance and the Support component of Employment Support Allowance are not included as income.
  • If you or your partner work, we will disregard up to £25 from your earnings.
  • If you, your partner or your child get any of the disability benefits below, we will disregard a further £79.30:

Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment
Support component of Employment Support Allowance
Universal Credit 'Limited Capability for Work' element (at the higher rate)

  • If you have an adult living with you (who is not your partner), we will not reduce the level of support you are entitled to.
  • You and/or your partner's capital will not affect the level of support you can receive unless it exceeds £10,000, in which case you will not be eligible.

You can read the full version of the CTS scheme here.  

 Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2024-25 (PDF, 961 KB)

For more information about electronic communications, see the Benefits directive (PDF, 146 KB) authorising us to do this.



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