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International sites

The Gosport Local Plan Policies Map identifies internationally important  nature conservation designations (PDF) [115KB]  which are subject to the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010.

Special Protection Area (SPA)

SPAs are designated under the European Union Birds Directive and Member States are required to protect rare and vulnerable species of bird. 

Potential Special Protection Area (pSPAs) are given the same status as Special Protection Areas.

Ramsar Sites

These are wetland areas of international importance designated by Government under the terms of the Ramsar Convention.

Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

Areas designated as SACs are considered important for its wildlife, they are recommended by the Government under the European Habitats Directive.

Sites in Gosport

Portsmouth Harbour

Portsmouth Harbour is a Special Protection Area and Ramsar site and so is of international importance.  The area contains a number of important habitats including inter-tidal mudflats and marshes which support internationally important wetland bird species.

Portsmouth Harbour SPA information sheet (JNCC) 

Portsmouth Harbour Ramsar information sheet (JNCC) 

Gilkicker Lagoon

Gilkicker Lagoon is a saline lagoon which is a rare habitat in Britain.  It supports specialised flora and fauna including several national rarities.  This site is also a Ramsar site as well as a Special Area of Conservation.

Solent and Isle of Wight Lagoons SAC information sheet (JNCC) 

Solent and Southampton Water Ramsar information sheet (JNCC)

The Solent and Dorset Coast Potential Special Protection Area is now adopted and includes parts of Gosport Borough. It has been designated as it is an important area used by breeding terns for foraging during April - September.

Solent and Dorset SPA information sheet (JNCC)

Bird Aware Solent

The Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership (SRMP) operates the Bird Aware Solent project which aims to reduce recreational disturbance on internationally important habitats (SPAs & Ramsar sites) around the Solent for over-wintering birds. 

This is in accordance with the   Policy LP42 (PDF) [115KB]  (point 2) of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

Solent Special Protection Area mitigation measures are required for all residential development.

The Gosport Bird Disturbance Mitigation Protocol 2024 (PDF) [645KB]  sets out how the in-combination effects on the Solent SPA can be mitigated by a financial contribution.

The level of developer contribution to the Bird Aware Partnership is reviewed each February in line with the (RPI) and the new rates apply from 1st April to 31st March until reviewed again.

The SRMP has now prepared the definitive Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy (SRMS) which covers the period to 2034.  A copy of the SRMS can be viewed on the Bird Aware Solent website.

Other documents 

Also of relevance is the Solent Waders and Brent Goose Strategy.

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