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Local Sites

Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)

These are sites within Hampshire that are of local importance for nature conservation which contain habitats or features which are irreplaceable. The sites are identified by the Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre.

The latest sites can be found in the  list of SINCs (PDF) [26KB] . These meet one or more of the qualifying criteria.

Local Nature Reserves (LNR)

LNRs are designated by the Local Planning Authority under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 as being a nature reserve of local importance. 

Policy LP43 (PDF) [125KB]  of the Gosport Borough Local Plan is relevant. 

The Two reserves in Gosport Borough are within the The Alver Valley Country Park. These are:

The Wildgrounds

The Wildgrounds is largely an acid oakwood, a type of habitat which was formerly widespread on coastal commons in Hampshire.

West of the River Reserves

West of the River contains a variety of interesting habitats, the most important being the reedbed which is one of the largest remaining reedbeds in England. The reed supports a large number of insect species which in turn support birds such as reed and sedge warblers.

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