Delivery and governance
Delivery of this strategy is through an accompanying Climate Change Action Plan (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window) detailing delivery actions, with timescales, key partners and responsible officers.
The Plan is used to establish and monitor activity and is refreshed annually to reflect changes in circumstances, new technologies, emerging best practice, progress and strategy updates.
The Carbon Hierarchy will guide actions and decisions, as shown below.
Source: Green Restoration Ireland
The Council's democratic decision process includes an impact assessment requirement which aims to embed climate change considerations into policies and operations.
Central Government resourcing, policy and powers and investment in innovation and technological advancements will also be key to the actions that can and need to be taken locally.
The Council recognises that actions will require resource allocation, and this will be done in accordance with its financial and governance processes facilitating proportionate, affordable and equitable spend.
Some actions after initial spend, especially those to reduce emissions, may generate long term savings or income. Actions to mitigate and adapt may offer multiple benefits and opportunities such as better health and wellbeing outcomes, reduced fuel poverty, improved air quality, better use of resources and improved resilience.
Business cases will be developed for actions that require specific financing, with a cost benefit analysis and identification of suitable funding sources, which may include the following:
- Council funding via existing or additional budgets.
- Government funding.
- Other external funding schemes.
- Levy funding sources or charges.
- Other green financing options e.g., community-based fundraising1.
The Governance of this Strategy is provided by the Climate Change Board which will monitor and review delivery and effectiveness of its aspirations, strategic priorities, and engagement enablers.
It will also 'horizon scan' for strategic issues by considering new legislation and guidance, emerging best practice, new technologies, research findings, views, behavioural change and feedback.
The Board's key activities include priority setting, monitoring and reviewing the action plan, review of key performance indicators and target achievement, oversight of wider partnership progress and outcomes, identification of enablers that have led to results (e.g. strategies, management approaches, policies and communication) or barriers, overviewing consultation activity and lobbying Government for resources and powers.
An annual work programme has been established to facilitate this, as shown below.

The Climate Change Board also provides report to Full Council which is the approval body for the Climate Change Strategy.
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- ⇧ See LGA Financing Green Ambitions report and example Council Climate Bonds product; there are also potential benefits for community engagement.