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Part Z: Community Infrastructure Levy Submission documents

Local Plan Ref


Document Title




CIL-1 Draft Charging Schedule (September 2014) (PDF, 1 MB)

CIL - 1


CIL-2 Draft Regulation 123 List (September 2014) (PDF, 28 KB)

CIL - 2


CIL-3 Consultation Report (PDF, 3 MB)

CIL - 3


CIL-4 Submission Statement (PDF, 252 KB)

CIL - 4


Background Evidence



CIL-5 LP_E8_3 Gosport CIL Viability Report (July 2013) (PDF, 3 MB)

CIL - 5

LP/E8/4  LP/E8/4 Gosport CIL Viability Report Addendum 2014. (PDF, 355 KB)CIL - 6 


LP/E8/5 Addendum - Supplement Sept 2014 (PDF, 7 KB)

CIL - 7


LP/E8/1 Infrastructure Assessment Report (GBC 2014) (PDF, 1 MB)

CIL - 8


LP/E8/2 Infrastructure Delivery Plan June 2014 (PDF, 1 MB)

CIL - 9


LP/E8/6 CIL 10 Planning Obligations & Developer Contributions Strategy 2014 (PDF, 282 KB)

CIL - 10


CIL-11 LP_E8_6 Developer contributions collected S106 Agreements 2009-2014 (PDF, 30 KB)

CIL - 11


CIL-12 LP_E7_15 Affordable Housing Performance 2009-2014 (PDF, 82 KB)

CIL - 12


CIL-13 LP_A7_1 Annual Monitoring Report 2014 (PDF, 3 MB)

CIL - 13


CIL-14 LP_A1_1 GBLP 2011-2029 Publication Version July 2014 (PDF, 8 MB)

CIL - 14


CIL-15 LP_A1_1_1 GBLP 2011-2029 Policies Map (PV) (PDF, 8 MB)

CIL - 15


CIL-16 LP_A1_1_2 GBLP 2011-2029 Operational Safeguarding Map (PV) (PDF, 2 MB)

CIL - 16


CIL-17 LP_A1_1_3 GBLP 2011-2029 Mineral & Waste Safeguarded sites Map (PV) (PDF, 883 KB)

CIL - 17


Historic CIL Documents



CIL-18 Summary of Representations on Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule November 2013 (PDF, 176 KB)

CIL - 18


CIL-19 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule October 2013 (PDF, 512 KB)

CIL - 19


CIL-20 Economic Development Board Agenda 17th September 2014 (PDF, 1 MB)

CIL - 20


CIL-21 Economic Development Board Minutes 17th September 2014 (PDF, 103 KB)

CIL - 21


CIL-22 LP_B2_15 Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 as amended 2014 (PDF, 274 KB)

CIL - 22

Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule Representations 

CIL-REP1 Southern Water (PDF, 192 KB) Southern Water 
CIL-REP2 Marine Maritime Organisation (PDF, 86 KB) Marine Maritime Organisation 
CIL-REP3 Theatres Trust (PDF, 161 KB) Theatres Trust 
CIL-REP4-2 Ewer Common Local Plan (PDF, 289 KB) Ewer Common Conservation Group 
CIL-REP5 Asda (PDF, 579 KB) ASDA plc 
CIL-REP6 Natural England (PDF, 75 KB) Natural England 
CIL-REP7 English Heritage (PDF, 210 KB) English Heritage 
CIL-REP8 Gosport Society (PDF, 171 KB) Gosport Society 
CIL-REP9 Homes and Communities Agency (PDF, 195 KB) Homes and Communities Agency 
CIL-REP10 Environment Agency (PDF, 53 KB) Environment Agency 
CIL-REP11 Milln Gate (PDF, 537 KB) Milln Gate 
CIL-REP12 Sport England (PDF, 254 KB) Sport England 
CIL-REP13 Hampshire County Council (PDF, 224 KB) Hampshire County Council

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