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Alver Valley Nature Conservation

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Alver Valley Country Park Nature Conservation


The Alver Valley is quite simply Gosport's Wildlife Haven.

It's one of the key attractions of the Country Park...



The Wild grounds is a Site of Special Scientific Interest of national importance and a Local Nature Reserve.  You will need to a permit to enter for a small fee but it is well worth a visit.   It contains rare woodland pasture with ancient oak pollards ,  a butterfly meadow, a woodland pond and a great view of the River Alver and its Reed Beds.

West of the River Local Nature Reserve

This nature reserve is a large area of grassland a great spot for flowers, butterflies and birds.

Noah Lake

This was created to take surface water from the Cherque Farm estate.  It is designed for wildlife including dragonflies and wildfowl.  


This includes the highest point in the Borough at Sandhill as well as Junkett Hill. Look out for the skylarks, basking lizards, feeding butterflies and even the odd barn owl.


The Alver Valley   has some of the most extensive reedbeds along the South Coast.  Listen out for the plop of our very own re-introduced water voles.


Adjacent the Country Park  is the the Browndown MoD site which is a great area to look for heathland wildlife.  Whilst this site is easily accessible from the Country Park most of the time, DO NOT enter when the red flags are flying.

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