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Health and Wellbeing

Gosport Borough Council works with partner organisations to deliver action at a local level to improve health outcomes for people living in the Borough. Organisations in Gosport have a strong culture of working together and this has been built upon in developing the Gosport Health and Wellbeing Strategic Network which is working together to improve health outcomes with, and for, local residents.

This group has identified three key priorities which will be the focus for joined up working:

Healthy weights

Physical Activity

Cardiovascular Disease

These priorities are shaped by local evidence of health set out within the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and Health Profile for Gosport together with data from the Primary Care Network and the Integrated Care Board. Public Health Hampshire has a responsibility for public health services, and to implement a Health and Wellbeing Board who agree ways to improve local health and wellbeing. The Hampshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out the context for local area partnerships and the shared priorities plan for the Gosport Health and Wellbeing Partnership is aligned with the County strategy.   

Queries about the work of the Gosport Health and Wellbeing Stakeholder Network should be forwarded to: 

Latest news:

High blood pressure is very common yet many people with high blood pressure feel absolutely fine. Undetected though, it can lead to a variety of health problems, some of which can be very serious.

Checking blood pressure regularly is an easy way to help maintain good health.

Know Your Numbers! week raises awareness of high blood pressure, encouraging all UK adults to get a blood pressure check.

It's easy to arrange a blood pressure check at doctor's surgeries or local pharmacies. Hampshire Libraries also loan out blood pressure monitors for two weeks to use at home. Pop in to the Discovery Centre or Bridgemary Library and ask for details.

For more information about what the numbers mean:

Blood Pressure UK

55+ Infofest

Friday 18 October 2024, 11am - 3pm, Gosport Masonic Hall, 5 Clarence Road, Gosport, PO12 1BB

Free event, with free raffle and refreshments, bringing together a wide variety of services, activities and organisations that are likely to be of interest to anyone aged 55+

Relatives and carers welcome too.

Live Longer Better

The Live Longer Better campaign is raising awareness about simple things we can do in our 60s, 70s and beyond to help us live healthier lives for longer.

Evidence shows that activity is key alongside good nutrition and staying connected with family, friends and/or our community.

Gosport Borough Council is working with a wide range of partners and with local communities to identify how we can support this campaign and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to access information, advice and services.

Watch out for more information and for ways you can get involved in this project.

Live Longer Better | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (

Be More Active Whilst Living With A Health Condition | We Are Undefeatable

Your Future, Your Health

Our 30s, 40s and 50s is a great time to start thinking about ways to boost our health and wellbeing and reduce the risk of poor health later in life.

It is never too late to make healthy choices and changes to your lifestyle. Even small changes can make a big difference to your physical health and mental wellbeing, now and in the future.

Your Future, Your Health has tools, information and resources to help you take control of your future health.

Your Future Your Health | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (

Breastfeeding Welcome scheme

This scheme aims to support breastfeeding mums to feel more comfortable while out and about. Although it's unlawful for businesses and organisations to discriminate against a woman because she is breastfeeding, mums have told us that they feel more comfortable if they know they're welcome.

A number of venues have already signed up to the scheme and you'll see the breastfeeding logo on display when you visit. More information can be found on our website:

 Gosport Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme - Gosport Borough Council

If your venue would like to join the scheme, please get in touch:

Mental health support - Every Life Matters 

If you want to talk to someone about how you're feeling, or what you're experiencing, you can contact any of the places listed on the NHS Southern Health website.

If it is an emergency and your life is in danger please dial 999

NHS have an online quiz to help you develop a mind plan of tips and advice that may work for you in managing your wellbeing - Mind plan quiz

External links:

If you're looking for additional support or debt advice please visit our Financial Advice and Support pages. 

Useful resources:


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