Road closure
Closing a road(s) for an event is a complex process, and temporary traffic management plans are required. Event organisers must also bear in mind that closing roads can have a significant impact on local people, can be costly so should only be considered where absolutely necessary for event safety.
The Gosport SAG request that any applications for road closure provide an absolute minimum of 12 weeks notice using the Traffic Management Information form (PDF) [90KB] and returned to the Gosport SAG Administrator, who's postal and e-mail addresses can be found in the form.
Road closures are administered by either Gosport Borough Council, or by Hampshire County Council (HCC - the Local Highway Authority) depending on the nature/scale of the event and traffic management requirements.
Where events require road closures and diversions, irrespective of which legislation (Type of Traffic Order) is used, any temporary Traffic Management plans must be agreed with Hampshire County Council as Local Highway Authority and Hampshire Constabulary.
Two types of Traffic Order are used for road closures at events: those permitted under Section 21 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, and those permitted under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. Listed below are the types of typical events authorised under these powers:-
Town Police Clauses Act (TPCA) 1847 - Section 21
Suitable for road closures for events falling into the following categories:-
- Speciality Markets
- Processions
- Illuminations
- Rejoicing
- where roads are thronged (crowded) or liable to be obstructed
Gosport Borough Council has the powers to write Traffic Orders under the TPCA legislation. ,
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Suitable for road closures for events falling into the following categories:-
- Large events requiring extensive road closures/diversions
- Sporting events
Only Hampshire County Council has the powers to write Traffic Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act.
The above lists only provide general guidance on with type of Traffic Order is applicable to certain types of events. Given the varying nature of events and the impacts of them and the nature and scale of road closures, ultimately the type of Traffic Order/process required will be advised by the Safety Advisory Group (SAG), which will be conveyed to the event organiser as soon as possible. It is therefore advised to have early discussions to determine which process needs to be followed and this explains why there is an absolute minimum requirement of 12 weeks notice for the processing of an application for an event requiring road closures.
For all event requiring road closures and diversion routes, the event organiser is responsible for providing, maintaining, manning and removing any traffic management equipment and also notifying any properties affected.
It is the responsibility of the event organiser to ensure that they have the necessary permission of HCC/the Police, together with the agreement of the associated road closure/traffic management plans for any event on the highway.
It is important to stress that closing a public road, footway, footpath or verge without a lawful Traffic Order is illegal.
The equipment used to enable the road closure / sign any diversion route etc., must comply with specifications required by HCC, and be approved by them/Police
For Traffic Control, only the Police or CSAS (Community Safety Accreditation Scheme) Accredited personnel are permitted to give direction to/control traffic on the public highway.