Planning a public event
Policy for events on Gosport Borough Council land:
Event organisers should be aware that any land bookings are subject to Government regulations and guidelines and are planned and delivered at the event organiser's risk. All events must have suitable risk assessments and practices to ensure compliance with current Public Health guidance.
All events on Gosport Borough Council require the following:
- Land Booking Form immediately you know what your event entails
- SAG notification (if applicable), 3 months prior to the event
You will then be required to submit:
- Event Management Plan
- TEN (Temporary Event Notice) if applicable
- Risk Assessment, including Fire Risk Assessment (if applicable)
- Public Liability Insurance in the sum of £10M as minimum - if the event is a small local community event involving no commercial food stalls or entertainers a lower level of Insurance may be considered in exceptional circumstances, details should be submitted with your land booking.
Gosport's Safety Advisory Group (SAG) (SAG Protocol (PDF, 225 KB)) liaises with those organising events in the Borough to promote safety and the wellbeing of attendees and to minimise inconvenience to residents, businesses and the general public. It also considers event implications from a multi-agency perspective and can advise event organisers on procedures for a safe event.
The membership of the Gosport Safety Advisory Group (SAG) comprises senior officers from various agencies operating in the Borough of Gosport, including the emergency services (Police, Fire and Rescue Service, Maritime Coastguard Agency, South Central Ambulance Service). Hampshire County Council (Emergency Planning, Highways and Traffic Management) and Gosport Borough Council Services (Building Control, Legal, Environmental Health, Licensing, Emergency Planning and Traffic Management).
SAG will generally consider 'large scale public events' where more than 500 people are expected although smaller events may be considered depending on their nature.
When planning an event SAG should be provided with notice as follows:
- For an event involving more than 10,000 people a minimum of 6 months notice
- For an event involving between 500 - 10,000 people a minimum of 3 months notice
- For an event requiring a road closure a minimum of 3 months notice
The SAG Administrator can be contacted by email or Tel: 023 9254 5425.
Gosport SAG is not responsible for giving permission to use Council land or granting licences for events:
For land use permission:
- Leisure Land, please contact Projects Officer, Economic Prosperity, Tourism and Culture Tel 023 9254 5425 or email
- Housing Land - Property Services, Tel 023 9254 5650 or email