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Gosport Armed Forces Week 2024- Round Up of Events

Several events happened in Gosport around National Armed Forces Week  23-29 June to showcase the Borough's strong connection to the armed forces and to highlight supports and opportunities available to its large armed forces community.

These included:

  • Monday, 17 June- Solent Armed Forces Covenant Partnership Board, a strategic board covering 6 local authority areas, to improve greater awareness of the needs of the armed forces community and joined up service delivery across a range of partner organisations. Hosted in the Borough this time at HMS Sultan, This meeting was chaired by Cllr Hutchison as the Council's armed forces member representative. More about the work of the Partnership is found here.
  • Thursday 20, June- Job Oppo Networking Event at Powder Monkey Brewery aimed at service leavers and veterans in employment to assist the former to develop their own networks to help secure post forces career employment. 
  • Thursday 20, June- Veterans Can CIC launch event in the Grand  Magazine at the Explosion Museum of Naval Power. Veterans Can is a web-based platform for Veterans to come together, share, listen and learn - while supporting real and tangible initiatives. This event was in part funded by a community fund grant from te Council. 
  • Monday, 24 June- Armed Forces High Street Hub Event and Flag Raising Ceremony-  a non-commercial event  featured a range of local organisations offering information about supports or opportunities to the armed forces community located in the High Street. The event was held in conjunction with the raising of the armed forces day flag with Mayor Cllr Earle, Captain Mark Hamilton from HMS Sultan  and  Surgeon Captain Christopher Streets from the Institute of Naval Medicine and other guests attending. 

  • Saturday, 29 June- National Armed Forces Day- Bespoke Market Gosport High Street featured veteran-owned businesses, information stalls and entertainment organized by Nest & Anchor. 



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