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Payment of Penalty Charge Notice

A copy of the current Gosport Borough Council Car Parking Order is available for viewing at the Town Hall, High Street, Gosport or  by viewing the Regulations on our webpage


If you do not pay the charge within the prescribed period described on the reverse of the PCN, a Notice to Owner will be sent to the registered keeper demanding FULL payment. Failure to respond to the Notice to Owner will result in further action.


a) Online 

b) by post (cheque or postal orders only, NO cash)

(Cheque to be made payable to Gosport Borough Council)

Send payment with sufficient details to enable your payment to be identified i.e. PCN number and Car Registration to:

Gosport Borough Council
Town Hall
High Street
PO12 1EB

If you require a receipt, a stamped addressed envelope must be enclosed.

c) in person

To the Cashiers Desk in the Town Hall Reception Area.

d) by phone with a debit or credit card to Gosport Borough Council on 023 9258 4242

(Office hours only 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays)

If you wish to appeal against the issue of a PCN write to the address above quoting the PCN Number, or complete the form here.

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