Marine Parade Area of Special Character SPD
The Council have prepared the Marine Parade Area of Special Character Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (PDF, 3 MB) for the Marine Parade Area of Lee-on-the Solent.
The document was originally prepared to provide further design guidance to Policy R/DP10 in the Gosport Borough Local Plan Review (2006).
The SPD is now linked to Policy LP14 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011- 2029 (adopted Oct 2015). The SPD primarily helps to deliver objective 7 of the Local Plan which is, 'to conserve and enhance the Borough' s historic built environment, and its landscape and townscape character, with particular importance given to those characteristics that provide its local distinctiveness.'
The SPD is supported by the following documents:
Sustainability Appraisal Non-technical Summary (PDF, 57 KB)
Sustainability Appraisal Full Document (PDF, 355 KB)
Statement of Consultation (PDF, 32 KB)
Adoption Statement (PDF, 16 KB)