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Fees and General Information

Fees (inclusive of VAT)

For searches submitted and returned electronically (or submitted in paper form but returned electronically)

From 1 January 2024

Basic search fee (LLC1 and Con29R)£202.00
LLC1 only£37.00
Con29R only£165.00


For searches submitted and returned in paper form via DX or post:

From 1 January 2024

Basic search fee (LLC1 and Con29R)£241.00
LLC1 only£41.00
Con29R only£200.00


All searches

From 1 January 2024

Optional Con29O enquiries Nos. 4, 21 and 22 - whether for one or all of these enquiries there is a maximum fee of £30.00.

Optional Con29O enquiries excluding Nos. 4, 21 and 22£14.00 each
Extra parcel£23.30 (LLC1 £3.30, Con29 £20)


For a search in any individual part of the Register:

In Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10

£6.60 each

In all other Parts

£3.30 each


Both our emailing service and our Local Land Charges online search application will provide you with the means to submit and receive your searches electronically thus avoiding any possible DX or postal delays and reducing paperwork.

In order to benefit from our emailing service you will be required to submit to us via email the official LLC1 and Con29 forms as appropriate together with a good quality plan. Payment must be made by telephoning Gosport Borough Council's switchboard on Tel number 023 9258 4242 where payment can be made by debit/credit card quoting the search address and amount payable or, alternatively, by BACS/Faster Payment (the Council's bank details will provided on request). Your search will only be processed once payment has been received. Your search results will be returned via email with accompanying attachments.

Searches submitted via email should be sent to


Average search turnaround time is 5-10 working days

Searches should be submitted with plans in duplicate.

This Authority does not charge for expediting searches. However, every effort will be made to expedite when specifically requested.

The Drainage Authority for this Borough is Southern Water, DX 400450 CHATHAM 5, Tel. 01634 824100

Copy documents

You may contact us by telephone or in writing, on receipt of any full search (ie. LLC1 and Con29 enquiries), to request free copy documents up to a total of 20 A4 pages (sides). We will only be able to provide copies of registrable Local Land Charges (eg. Section 52/106 Agreements, Conditional Planning Consents, Tree Preservation Orders, S38 Agreements etc.). Should the requested documents total more than 20 pages we will charge for any additional copies at the rate of 20p per A4 side, coloured plans £5.00.

NB. Any fees are payable in advance.


Full address:

Local Land Charges
Town Hall
High Street
PO12 1EB

DX number:

DX 136567

Tel. Numbers:

02392 545483 or 02392 545414

E-mail address:

NB. Should you require access to any of the above information in another language or in large print please contact the Land Charges office at Town Hall, High Street, Gosport, PO12 1EB (Tel. 02392 545483 or 02392 545414) for assistance.

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