Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles
Gambling Statement of Principles
The Gambling Act 2005 requires the Council to publish and review a Statement of Principles in relation to its duties under the Act and to guide its work. The Statement of Principles must be reviewed every three years.
A revised Statement of Principles is being consulted upon as of 2 September to 8 November 2024 - Draft GBC Gambling Statement of Principles 2025 - 2028 (PDF, 286 KB)
Subject to the consultation and any changes made to it by the Council, the Statement of Principles will be adopted by the Council for the period March 2024 - February 2028. A copy of the proposed document can be accessed here, or at the Town Hall, High Street, Gosport at the Environmental Health desk.
The revised document is in accordance with the current guidance issued by the Gambling Commission, details of which are available on their website, We are aware the Gambling Commission are expecting to provide updated guidance later in 2024. Any update in their guidance will need to be considered alongside any adopted statement of licensing policy.
If you or your organisation has any comments on the revised Statement of Principles, please send them in writing to the Licensing Team: