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Roles of Officers, Committee and Facilitators

To be truly representative of the older people in Gosport, the Forum needs as many members as possible who can engage with and participate in consultations and other activities. However, up to 12 key people are needed to form a committee to make all this happen.

Training in "committee skills" can be arranged so it is more important that people have an interest and enthusiasm to make things happen than to have had previous experience on committees.

Although the committee will all work together to the benefit of the Forum, there are some roles which must be filled to comply with the constitution:




Key spokesperson for the group
Prepares meeting agendas (with secretary).
Remains unbiased
Manages meetings to ensure they start & finish on time, ensure order is maintained and that discussion is controlled and focused.
Enable everyone at meetings to take a full part.
Ensure work is shared fairly
Ensure that people are completing the tasks they agreed to carry out in the agreed time.

Vice Chairman

Carries out the role of the Chairman in his / her absence
Supports the Chairman on occasions when the workload is high


Maintains accurate accounts and makes regular reports to the committee.
Checks all invoices and ensures they are paid on time.
Pays all cheques and cash into bank.
Prepares end of year accounts and ensures they are audited or verified.
Prepares annual budget.
Ensures at least one other committee member knows how to access accounts and money.

Minute secretary

Has access to computer and the internet
Keeps records of all committee proceedings
Maintains files of  all records and is able to produce these at any time.
Prepares agendas with the Chairman for committee meetings
Notifies all committee members of meetings and circulates agendas, minutes and any relevant papers
Helps other committee members with correspondence if necessary


In addition,  people with the skills and enthusiasm to be responsible for the following roles will help the Forum to run smoothly and be more effective. Some may wish to take on more than one lead role and others may prefer to act more in a supportive capacity. The important thing is that the committee has a wide representation from all areas of Gosport Borough and work well together for the benefit of older residents.


Skills and Experience

Membership secretary

Has access to computer and the internet
Maintains a database record of all members
Sends out communications to members as necessary

Newsletter editor

Has access to computer and internet.
Collects items of relevant news for a regular newsletter (frequency to be decided).
Prepares drafts of newsletter for committee approval
Writes the newsletter in a format that can easily be either e-mailed or printed for circulation.

Publicity and marketing

Has access to computer and internet.
Identifies local publications suitable for publicity purposes
Writes press releases and circulates them.
Designs and produces leaflets, displays, posters etc.
Ensures any leaflets, newsletters etc. are sent to members through the membership secretary and are available to the public.

Event organiser

Organises all events and open meetings (book venues, arrange programmes, speakers etc.)
With the marketing lead, ensures displays and leaflets are prepared for these and circulated to members and the public through the media.
Recruit helpers and ensure they are aware of their roles on the day.


We will also need people with an interest in individual subjects and be willing to take the lead on these.

Possible subjects

Responsibilities of coordinators

  • Transport
  • Social care & Health
  • Crime prevention
  • Social Activities
  • Education
  • Web designer
  1. Is the main contact in the Forum for their particular issue.
  2. Attend relevant local and county groups and reports back to the committee.
  3. Ensures the views of the full membership are sought when necessary.
  4. Lead sub groups when necessary.

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