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Jobs and careers

To help promote local jobs, apprenticeships and careers plus training opportunities to residents Gosport Borough Council organises the annual Gosport Employment & Skills Fair.  Established in 2012 and staged each January, it regularly has 50 exhibitors (employers and support organisations) and 700 visitors; making it Gosport's largest annual recruitment, careers and training exhibition. 

Gosport Borough Council is one of the employer exhibitors and see Job vacancies to find out more about our opportunities, plus others locally in the public sector.

Support and advice

For general information and advice provided online by the Government see Working, Jobs and Pensions; plus Finding a Job.

Gosport Borough Council also works in partnership with other local and national organisations that assist residents into employment and self-employment, apprenticeships, plus getting new skills.

The Gosport Employment and Skills Partnership is a local network of employment support and training providers. Its members offer a range of information, advice and guidance; plus training courses (some funded if you fulfil the eligibility criteria) that can assist you into employment.

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